MiM Alumni


Building a lifelong network with our strong alumni consisting of management professionals, business leaders and successful entrepreneurs.
MIM’s Alumni Connect is one of among many flagship events where students get a chance to meet and interact with alumni consisting of management professionals, business leaders and successful entrepreneurs. Our alumni work in a wide spectrum of industries spanning consulting, technology, finance, real estate, media, manufacturing, IT, telecom, automobile, energy and healthcare.

Vision of Alumni:

To engage the MIM Alumni to support and advance the college’s excellence.

Mission of Alumni:

The MIM’s Alumni Association fosters a lifelong spirit of belonging and pride by connecting alumni, students, and friends to MIM and each other. The Alumni Association advocates for the college and its alumni with a credible, independent and collaborative voice.

Aims & Objective

To promote and foster mutually beneficial interaction between the Alumni and the present students of the MIM and between the Alumni themselves.
To encourage the formation of Chapters as a means to increase participation of Alumni.
To enable the alumni to participate in activities that would contribute to the general development of the college.
To arrange and collect funds for the development of the college.
To encourage the Alumni to take an active and abiding interest in the work and progress of the Institute so as to contribute towards enhancement of the social utility.
To organize and establish scholarship funds to help the needy and deserving students.
To Institute prizes and awards for outstanding project work, research papers or other professional activity by the students of the Institute; also to suitably recognize outstanding social and community service by the Alumni and the students.

Core Values

Alumni Association is committed to excellence in all its activities and is dedicated to the following core values:

Loyalty – Pride in and commitment to the future that we are creating together as a college and an alumni community, while honoring our history, traditions and achievements.
Integrity – Transparency and ethical behavior in all of our interactions.
Diversity – Recognizing and valuing differences and seeking alternative perspectives and inclusiveness in all that we do.
Innovation – Striving to be an industry leader in alumni relations through a creative and transformational business model.
Continuous Improvement – Pursuit of excellence through agility and responsiveness to stakeholders and the environment.

Functions of Alumni Association

To maintain an up-to-date and detailed database of the alumni.
To highlight the success of alumni to improve the credibility and reputation of college.